Jorge Crecis
JORGE CRECIS – 9 & 16 May
- Jorge holds a degree in Sport Sciences and studied contemporary dance at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. As a professional dancer he worked with different companies throughout Europe.
Between 2008 and 2012 he combined his position as a full-time lecturer at London Contemporary Dance School (The Place) and guest teacher at institutions such as Beijing Dance Academy (China), Conservatorio Superior de Madrid (Spain) and Roger Williams University (USA). Jorge also lead professional and company classes regularly for companies such as Akram Khan Company, DV8, Punchdrunk, Rambert, etc.
His lifetime artistic ethos is summarized in the mantra: - Experiences might finish in the blink of an eye; nothing changes in the world but something changes in those who undergo the experience. So, in the end, something might have changed after all.
- Following this motto, in 2012, he funded SQx (somoSQuien eXperience); based upon Jorge’s synthesis of sport and dance movement patterns, SQx’s team lead workshops of this cutting-edge and intense performance training methodology, allowing professionals and youth participants to enhance their stage presence and performative skills. SQx’s projects have been supported by ACE, British Council, Canada arts council, the Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Spain in the United Kingdom and the Spanish Ministry of Culture.