We are proud to support F-ing Good Provocation and we trust this will be a milestone for a better understanding of systemic challenges faced by ESEA artists making work in the UK and beyond.
F-ing Good Provocation is a constellation of conversations during lockdown on injustices & hope in the dance sector. It is a zine (project as well as a practice) that celebrates the 20 artists of East and Southeast Asian diaspora involved, who live, create and contribute to the vibrant arts landscape of the UK and beyond.
A bit more about the project:
F-ing Good Provocation is multi-prong project and practice, focusing on anti-racist, anti-oppressive practice and centring care, empathy, accountability focusing on artists of the East and Southeast Asian diaspora in the UK. The first phase of the project was a scoping phase including hours of conversations during lockdown in 2020/21 on race, racism, injustices and the 20 artists’ lived/living experiences. This zine encapsulates some of the difficult, honest yet essential conversations and hopes.
On sale at Centre 151 for £6 only.
More information about the project: www.f-inggoodprovocation.com